My Cancer Story: Mica Goosby
Aug 1, 2024

As a busy woman, who is the biggest cheerleader for my husband and two daughters, taking time is a luxury. It is something that I did not always make a priority. I am committed to excelling in the corporate setting as an IT leader, being a servant-leader in my community, and serving as a leader in church ministry. I have always freely dreamed and enjoyed life to the fullest.
Like many wives and mothers, I made sure everyone in my family had their appointments and physical health taken care of. But, keeping up with all the recommended medical appointments for myself took additional precious time.
Time is limited and elusive when you are chasing purpose and committed to pursuing passion. My dreams and deep desires were becoming a reality and slowing down was not an option.
In December 2018, after hearing friends and co-workers discussing that they received positive reports following their annual breast examinations, it reminded me that I had another task to check off. I was just a couple of months delayed in getting my routine mammogram check.
The mammogram appointment was completed. I could finally check that off my list. Then, forty-eight hours after my exam, I received the call to come back for a follow-up appointment. My thoughts were, “No problem, this has happened before.” I scheduled the appointment to be on February 14, 2019, the day of love. The day of dreams coming true. On that day, my husband, Darin offered to accompany me, and I declined. I had no idea that this was going to be a dreadful day. A day that would reveal an attack on my body. On Valentine’s Day, the radiologist confirmed that he was almost 99.99% sure that I had breast cancer.
I stopped breathing, my chest tightened, and my dreams vanished before me.
My mind and thoughts were rapid firing with questions that I could not verbalize: “How could this happen?” “I feel fine.” “What about my husband and my girls?” “I am a good person.” “Cancer does not run in my family.”
Every why and how question flooded my thoughts. I suddenly felt that my life had become a nightmare and I desperately wanted to wake up.
“I was 1 in 8!” the statistic that you commonly hear reported by cancer research organizations such as The American Cancer Society. Cancer has a way of disrupting your world. It takes over everything. It silently attacks your body. It is one of the hardest fights and the most unfair opponent. It does not have a preference of age, race, or gender. I had to shift mentally and physically to prepare to fight for life for one full year, and the permission to dream again.
To aid in this fight, the Gala of Hope Foundation helped fund a valuable service that was available to me during treatment, Maple Tree Cancer Alliance who helped with exercise and nutrition therapy. These rehabilitative services allowed me to fight with proven science that aided in my recovery. Five years later after I thought my dreams were destroyed, I am dream driven and I live a life that is impact driven. A life that is filled with passion. And most importantly a life that proves even though cancer was a part of my life…I still get to dream!
© Gala of Hope 2024
3500 Pentagon Blvd Suite 500
Beavercreek, OH 45431
(937) 429 - 3143 ext 129